T OGETHER—what a wonderful word! Webster defines it, “with each other, in company, with united action and cooperation.”The people of Israel had stopped working together for God. Their sense of togetherness and sacrifice was gone. Then, God spoke to them: ...
D O YOU KNOW PEOPLE in whom you sense the sweet Spirit of God in the first minutes of conversation? Gerry and Barb Dupuis fit that description. They are vocational clinical chaplains whose testimony conveys the tranquility they find in ...
I NTERCESSORY PRAYER is the bridge between lostness and salvation. Some believe that anyone can come to Christ anytime—no intercessory bridge is necessary. Reject Christ today, accept Him tomorrow. The sinner decides. We increasingly feel our intervention is inappropriate, our ...
W WE ARE AT A MOMENT in this nation where common sense seems to be gasping for its last breath. • A major USA news network announces that parents are raising “theybies” to let kids decide their gender. • In ...
W HAT ARE YOU DOING with your hands? Our hands are among the most used parts of our bodies. We probably don’t realize how dependent on them we are since most daily tasks are engaged without much thought. But their ...
I N CASE YOU haven’t noticed, the world has changed. As I write this article, I’m sitting in a coffee shop sipping on a $6 skinny vanilla latte, extra hot, because that’s what the cool hip pastors do these days. ...
I N JESUS’ PARABLE of the Good Samaritan, apparently there were no signs like “Danger: Thieves Ahead” posted along the Jericho road, but the dangers of this trail were well known. Yet, the Jewish man in the parable undertook the ...
How did you become a Christian? In 1969, Ruth Anderson and Kathy Stafford knocked on our door. They were two ladies involved in the bus ministry, and they asked my sister and me if we would like to go to ...
T HERE IS BEAUTY and power in the ability to express eternal truths in a way that is familiar and common. However, what is familiar to one person may be foreign to another; and what is common to some may ...
J AMES JESUS ANGLETON, the founding director of the CIA, once called espionage a “wilderness of mirrors.” If that is true of spy work, it is no less true of Christian race relations today. During June 2020, many major U.S. ...
O N THE ROLLING HILLS overlooking the Sea of Galilee and the little village of Capernaum, Jesus stood among a growing crowd and delivered His greatest message. Probably taking no more than 20 minutes, Jesus delivered His “Sermon on the ...
T HESE SIX THINGS doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination to him” (Proverbs 6:16). God does not discriminate between evils, but in Proverbs 6:16-19, He points out seven prevalent evils. Let’s consider these sins’ awful effects. • ...
I t was late afternoon when I arrived at my destination—a quiet old cemetery on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I walked up a small hill to a stone pyramid about six feet high. Each of the four sides had ...
O ur world has changed in the past few months. Who would have ever believed thousands of congregations across the U.S. would be closed in a matter of days? Who would have believed school semesters would be suspended and major ...
I semi-reluctantly opened the front door of the building where I worked after having been on vacation. I had no idea I was about to receive a heartfelt reception. I had only stepped a couple feet inside when a particular ...
Danny Byrd is an ordained Church of God bishop and full-time evangelist/missionary based in Eastern North Carolina. Is there any particular message the Lord is laying on your heart these days? I love to preach the fundamental doctrines of the ...
W ITH A VISION for lost people, the Lord has placed my family and me in the “melting pot” of the world. With nearly 8.5 million residents, New York City is the most populous city in the United States, and ...
“Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53 NKJV). ...
B OTH OF THE BOYS had enjoyed every minute of swimming, fishing, and building sandcastles; but, as every parent of elementary-age boys knows, the beach is a stressful place. If I had said, “That’s far enough!” once, I’d said it ...
Traditionally, local churches and denominations have compartmentalized missions, evangelism, and social ministry into programs or activities. However, the reality is that mission is about who the Church is, not just what we do. ...
We are called to creatively evangelize and disciple all people, using every multimedia tool God has given us. ...
It appears we are not “user-friendly” or “seeker-sensitive,” and we speak a strange dialect called “Christian-ese.” ...
My unchurched friends do not listen to Christian radio, nor are their lives touched by billboard evangelism. ...
The gift of prophecy should be the most common gift operating in the church! ...
Leaders who see the power of connecting generations—choosing to live with the tension it brings and do the hard work of leading through it—will set their churches up to fulfill the Great Commission with greater effectiveness. ...
Our calling as Christians is that we not be conformed to the world, but that we be conformed to Christ in our attitudes, words, and deeds. ...
If you leave a decaying apple in the bowl long enough, the other fruit will rot along with it. ...
Exposing Some Youth Ministry Myths Will Speed the Process ...
The United States is considered the third-largest pre-Christian HARVEST FIELD in the world. ...
For more than 1,400 years, millions of Muslims have walked the dry, dusty path of hopelessness, the wells of truth stopped up and inaccessible to them. ...
It is a divine experience to have God direct you to someone who needs a word from Him. ...
Taking yourself as the starting point, share God’s message without embellishment, bullying, or a bunch of rational proofs. ...
In many nations of the world, becoming a follower of Christ immediately exposes a believer to persecution. ...
We need to give our Pentecostal identity as an inheritance to the future generations so they might face the challenges ahead of us. ...
Impoverish kids, fractures families, and individuals struggling with addiction have become the people of City Light. ...
Mormonism was founded on the belief that after the deaths of the apostles, the genuine gospel was lost, the Bible was corrupted, and the true church ceased to exist. ...
Look for opportunities to tell others what Christ has done for you. ...
What made Peter, the fisherman; Peter, the outspoken; Peter, the unwise, become Peter the pentecostal preacher? ...
"A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped" (Eccl. 4:12 TM) ...
He was one of the most despondent-looking men you could imagine. ...
Three Church of God evangelists describe their calling and burden. ...
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem occurred in an multicultural context. ...
Our children have seen God provide not only for themselves, but also for kids with tattered clothing and little to eat. ...
Together we can do this . . . we must do this . . . and then the end will come. ...
When we’re interested in winning souls, God is interested in our success. ...
We are out to win hearts; not political, religious or geographical arguments. ...