W WE ARE AT A MOMENT in this nation where common sense seems to be gasping for its last breath. • A major USA news network announces that parents are raising “theybies” to let kids decide their gender. • In ...
W HAT ARE YOU DOING with your hands? Our hands are among the most used parts of our bodies. We probably don’t realize how dependent on them we are since most daily tasks are engaged without much thought. But their ...
I N CASE YOU haven’t noticed, the world has changed. As I write this article, I’m sitting in a coffee shop sipping on a $6 skinny vanilla latte, extra hot, because that’s what the cool hip pastors do these days. ...
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I N JESUS’ PARABLE of the Good Samaritan, apparently there were no signs like “Danger: Thieves Ahead” posted along the Jericho road, but the dangers of this trail were well known. Yet, the Jewish man in the parable undertook the ...
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R EPROBATION, as a Christian doctrine, is when a sinner’s heart is so hardened they feel no remorse for what is vile and unnatural. The English word reprobate comes from the Latin reprobatus (“reproved” or “condemned”), which is the opposite ...
How did you become a Christian? In 1969, Ruth Anderson and Kathy Stafford knocked on our door. They were two ladies involved in the bus ministry, and they asked my sister and me if we would like to go to ...
B AAL. He appears throughout Scripture, in one form or another, 130 times, and is the constant enemy of God’s people. Something about Baal intrigued God’s people, and he was a constant thorn in their side. For one reason or ...
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T HERE IS BEAUTY and power in the ability to express eternal truths in a way that is familiar and common. However, what is familiar to one person may be foreign to another; and what is common to some may ...
J AMES JESUS ANGLETON, the founding director of the CIA, once called espionage a “wilderness of mirrors.” If that is true of spy work, it is no less true of Christian race relations today. During June 2020, many major U.S. ...